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Harmonic Hearts

A - Harmonic Egg Session

Regular price $125.00 USD
Regular price $150.00 USD Sale price $125.00 USD
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1.5 hour appointment- On your first appointment we need a little bit m ore time. The Initial 30 minutes will have staff covering the benefits, paperwork and what to expect from your Harmonic Egg experience.  The Harmonic Egg is a resonant chamber for relaxation and de-stressing the body. The chamber has 12 sides creating a dodecahedron shaped egg that is made out of natural materials. Frequencies (music) vibration, sound and light waves spiral (360 degrees) around the person relaxed in zero-gravity chair. This brings the body back into balance from a world filled with chaos. The sacred geometric resonant chamber allows the person to reach the delta-theta brain waves and come into a state of deep relaxation, assisting the bodies natural healing abilities. The person goes to a level below the level of consciousness in an immersive experience of mostly instrumental sounds and carefully selected light colors. The music was selected and studied to work within the geometric pattern inside. The Harmonic Egg experience is a restorative emotional and physical response to light & sounds promoting a sense of internal balance and well-being.  The introduction with staff will last approximately 30 minutes, the Session will last 50 minutes with a 10 minute restorative time.  Book your session today!

Please print or review the following documents to prepare for your Egg Session to improve your experience.