Sound Healing
Sound healing is a form of energy medicine whose basic principle is that of resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object). It works on the idea that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. The entire Universe is in a state of vibration, including human beings. When we are not resonating with some part of ourselves or our surroundings, our naturally healthy vibratory frequency becomes disturbed and creates disharmony. Our bodies begin to vibrate at a lower frequency. This
frequency imbalance can lead to all types of illnesses, disease, and perpetuate
states of anxiety and depression.
When healing frequencies are applied to the physical and subtle energy fields around the body, these vibrational frequencies can heal a myriad of diseases and decrease the prevalence of harmful mental states and degenerative physiological conditions. Your cells have what is called electrical potential, by which they resonate and vibrate at specific frequencies that change under various circumstances.
Sounds have a direct effect on your health and wellbeing. Quantum physics shows that the human body and the entire universe is made up of tiny pieces of vibrating matter, hinged together by magnetic forces. Exposing the internal organs and brain to different musical frequencies will encourage the living matter in you to heal from within, to raise the frequency of your body and promote health, vitality and spiritual enhancement.
There are a number of health benefits from sound therapy, some of which include but are not limited to:
- Reduced joint and muscle pain/stiffness
- Reduced arthritis pain
- Reduced blood pressure
- Lowered cholesterol
- Gentle release of toxins
- Stress reduction
- Reaching deep states of relaxation
- Decreased anxiety and depression
- Release of harmful emotions
- Removal of energetic blockages
- Tuning nervous system, and aligning the body’s energy fields
- Reduction and elimination of headaches
- Improved brain health
- Improved memory, greater clarity and focus
- More energy
Color & Light Healing
When we speak of color, we mean energy waves. Every color, each with its own frequency, is a form of energy. Light is the closest thing to pure energy that we can identify. Light carries color and electromagnetic energy; therefore, it can impact the energy field of the human body. When applied to the human body, light will provide all deficient energies since every color is associated with a quantity of energy. Colors have a profound effect on us at all levels—physical, mental and emotional. If our energy levels are blocked or depleted, then our body cannot function properly, and this in turn can lead to a variety of problems at different levels. Light moves in waves of varying lengths and, as each color has a different wavelength, we sense them all individually. Different colors in the spectrum correspond with the body’s inner vibrations. If your vibrations are off-kilter, color can harmonize and rebalance them if treated with the right colors.
The colors used in the Harmonic Egg are dependent upon the type of ailment you are trying to correct. For example, blue or purple lights are anti-inflammatory and calming. Green can be used to purify and cleanse. White and yellow light stimulates the lymphatic system. Red light is invigorating, and good for heart and blood circulation. Although red is energizing and invigorating, it may cause agitation if you are already tense.
In the 1940’s, S.V. Krakov, a Russian scientist began to examine color vision and its relationship to the autonomic nervous system. His experiments showed red light to stimulate the sympathetic area of the autonomic nervous system and blue light to stimulate the parasympathetic area of the autonomic nervous system.
His research was later confirmed in 1958 by Robert Gerad. Gerad thoroughly researched the whole area of light, color and their psycho-physiological influences.
Gerad’s tests revealed that warm colors were beneficial in subjects with depression and neurasthenia. Warm colors also increased muscle tone or blood pressure in hypertensive individuals. Exposure to warm colors consistently showed a more pronounced pattern of stimulation to the autonomic nervous system. Cool colors showed opposite effects by acting as a relaxant and tranquilizer for anxious individuals, lowering blood pressure, and providing relief from tension, and alleviating muscle spasms. Cool colors also proved to be an aid of insomnia. Gerad’s research and testing showed that all colors affect all humans both psychologically and physiologically in a specific manner.